..it’s not unheard of. 

Hard drive replacements are something are are really common in laptops, and any other devices that have been in use for a few years. The PS4 was only released just over 12 months ago, so it’s a little odd for us to be doing a PS4 hard drive replacement this soon after it was available on the market. In saying that, this particular console isn’t the first broken ps4 we’ve seen, and it’s far from the last. 


This customer told us that he had powered on the console before realising that the HDMI cable wasn’t plugged in, so he picked it up to connect the cable, lost his balance slightly, and dropped the PS4 on the floor. Of course a momentary loss of balance only occurs when you have something valuable/fragile in your hands. Our customer tried to power the console back on, which it did, but then wouldn’t boot into the main menu. Typical. 

After some testing, we concluded that his hard drive would need to be replaced, and then we would need to install the PS4 operating system to the new hard drive, to get the console back up and running. Luckily, we were unable to find any other fault whatsoever with it, so once we replaced the PS4 hard drive, and finished the PS4 operating system reinstall, we were able to return the playstation good as new, with a 6 month warranty. 

If you have recently lost your balance while carrying electronics, use our repair request section here, to have your device shipped to us free of charge for repair. Want to find out more about console repairs? Check our game console repairs here to find out more.